Understanding care home funding can seem daunting, but our teams are on hand to help you understand the process. From helping to explain how fees are calculated to exploring whether you may be eligible for assistance, we are on hand to answer any questions you may have.

Care Fees
Care fees in a Quantum Care home are based on a range of factors including the levels of individual care you require and the size and facilities of the room you have chosen. Each Quantum Care home will have their own fee levels, which will be discussed with you as part of your enquiry process. The home’s team will then carry out a full assessment of the care and support that you require in order to give you an accurate quotation before you accept a place at the home.
What’s included in your Weekly Fees?
Personal care
Accommodation in a room for your sole use and use of the communal areas in the home
All meals, snacks and soft drinks
Heating, lighting and hot water
Bed linen and towels
Laundry (excluding dry cleaning)
- A variety of outings and entertainment
Assistance with my fees
You may be eligible for assistance from the Government for all, or part of your care costs. This will depend on your financial situation and your health requirements. To find out whether you are eligible for any assistance, you will need to contact your local council to arrange a care assessment. If your needs match the level set by the council, they will then carry out an assessment of your finances. The financial assessment is a means test which determines whether a person whose care needs meet the eligibility criteria should contribute towards the cost of their care.
Change in Care Needs
We will regularly monitor and review the care and support you require and If your needs change this may effect your care fees. Should we feel that your fees need to be changed, then we will discuss this with you and/or your representative before any change is agreed.
Annual Review of Fees
At Quantum Care we review our fees annually with effect from 1st April each year. Full details about how any increase is determined are contained within the Care Home Contract which is available in the Brochure and Guides section for each individual care home.
If you wish to contact us about any of our care homes or for funding advice, you can contact our Advice Line or speak directly with any or our Care Home Managers.