Fosse House's Fantastic Midnight Walk!
At nine o’clock last Friday night, the sponsored walkers started to gather at Fosse House. By half past, there were 21 people ready to go in full fancy dress! The group was made up of 7 Care Team Managers, 6 Care Workers, 2 Administrators, the Home Manager and Deputy as well as 3 former members of staff and 1 boyfriend! The residents still awake were delighted to see the colourful procession getting ready to set off. At quarter to ten the group set off…at which point the heavens opened! But, soaked through and determined, the walkers carried on raising another £125 along the way with many of those donating shared stories of loved ones who had been affected by dementia including one who’s grandparent had stayed at Fosse House until sadly passing away last year. The toots and shouts from well-wishers kept the group going despite the occasional collision with a tree branch or soaking from a passing car until, naturally, the police took an interest in the collection of 21 people in fancy dress! After a little persuasion, the police put some coins in the bucket and sent everyone on with the walk to Willow Court, where they arrived at 12:30. Some coffee and cake (and a well needed bathroom break) refuelled the Fosse House team who headed back out for the second leg of the journey. Despite being cold, tired and hungry and having spread to a distance of quarter of a mile between those in front and those being, the group continued back to Fosse; spurred on by plans of taking their residents to the seaside with a part of the money raised. Finally, at 3:15, the first of the walkers reached Fosse House with the last following up quarter of an hour later. The 13 mile walk took a total of 5 hours and 45 minutes, with some members of the group having already done a full day’s work, some lined up to work the next day and most ending a 7 day working week. However, in spite of all this, the staff from Fosse House, the former employees and the lone boyfriend earned every penny of raised and brought in a current total of £1622.80!!! More is expected to come in over the next week or so but even still, the money raised is absolutely phenomenal. Thank you to everyone who donated or sponsored or paid to take part and well done to everyone who went out to raise this incredible amount of money for Fosse House!