"It was very reassuring to know that Mum was in an environment where she was safe"

Dear Trish, I would like to take the opportunity to write and say thank you to all the staff and carers at Willow Court, in particular those in "Buttercup," who provided care and attention to Mum during her six years there. As you may know, I have to travel quite a lot on business and it was very reassuring to know that Mum was in an environment where she was safe, not on her own, and being well cared for. The main disability she found most difficult to cope with was her profound deafness. I had not realised how very isolating this disability could be and I must thank her carers for their patience and understanding in caring with the difficulty and communicating with Mum. There are many stories in the media regarding care houses, which understandably are causes for concern to their relatives. I feel I must therefore mention that in the six years Mum was at Willow Court, at no time did I have any cause for concern on this issue. Caring for elderly residents is not an easy job and requires special skills, exceptional patience and a particular temperament. So on behalf of Mum, may I ask that you pass on our sincere thanks to all of you who cared for her so well. Kind regards, M & A