Mantles Court Gardening Club

Mantles Court, our care home in Biggleswade, boasts a number of keen gardeners among its residents and now that the winter has faded they’ve decided to start up a gardening club. The club meets up every two weeks to help tend the gardens and, so far, have made a great deal of progress including de-weeding, sowing forget-me-nots in the home’s memorial garden and planting vegetables in the raised beds. They’ve also planted strawberries and a variety of flowering plants.
Gardening has always been popular with our care home residents and is one of the mainstay activities in the warmer months. It provides a number of benefits, particularly to mental health and wellbeing, and can often result in feelings of satisfaction and accomplishment.
The Mantle’s Court Gardening Club also doubles as a social club because a lot more goes on than just the worthy act of gardening. There’s tea and biscuits to be enjoyed, chit chat to get involved in and laughter to be had. There are also garden centres to be visited which definitely make up part of the group’s activities.
Kelly Crellin, the Manager at Mantles Court said “It’s so great to see residents out enjoying the garden again, particularly after such a dull winter. They’re doing an amazing job and clearly enjoying themselves in the club. I think this year the garden is going to look better than ever!”
Mantles Court care home is situated on the London Road, Biggleswade and opened towards the end of 2021. The home offers residential, dementia and respite care and includes a spa, hair and beauty salon, café and a cinema.