Quantum Care’s Falls Awareness Month
Today marks the start of our Falls Awareness Month which will see a series of events take place right across our homes. Each event is designed to maintain awareness of the risks of falling and will make available advice and information aimed at reducing the likelihood of falls occurring.
Across the world, 37.3 million falls that require medical attention occur each year and the older a person gets, the more at risk they become. There is much that can be done to reduce an individual’s risk though, including good hydration and nutrition levels which can not only affect the likelihood of falling but also the extent of any injury and the length of any recovery period.
Our events will provide a wide range of information including the part that good hydration and nutrition can play in preventing falls and mitigating injury.
In tandem with our falls awareness events, we will be running two competitions that aim to encourage good hydration. The attractiveness of a drink can often increase hydration levels so the first competition, open to residents, will be to create a non-alcoholic cocktail (mocktail) aimed at doing just that. The second is a hydration station competition which will involve each home creating an appealing and eye-catching station designed to encourage continuous hydration throughout the day.
Prizes include an Amazon Echo Dot, Amazon gift cards and DAB digital radio.
We will also be publishing useful tips on how the likelihood of falls can be reduced. These top tips will be released through our social media channels including Facebook and Twitter.