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September 2011 Activities at Tye Green Lodge

The September 2011 activities and events schedule for Tye Green Lodge is now available and is shown below: 7th - Harefield Church monthly visit - The people who come to Tye Green Lodge make the service very light and enjoyable and always stay afterwards to chat to residents and staff while enjoying tea and biscuits. 8th - The Quantum Care Knebworth House Opera. A very special annual event for everyone involved. 14th - James Lebeck Entertains. A good excuse for a sing-song and dancing. Always very enjoyable. 16th - A Fund Raising Evening - 60's night - Simon Lane, formerly of the Fortunes, entertains - Friends and families please do come along to support us at this event, we will also have a raffle. There will be a small charge for visitors to help support our activities programme. 21st - St. Andrew's Church monthly visit, a light service with a chat and refreshments afterwards. 22nd - Lucy's 100th birthday celebrations! We are planning an afternoon tea party for her. 25th - Commonside Road bi-monthly visit - there will be about 10 church members attending. The event, which is always good fun, also includes a puppet show. Again there will be refreshments at the end of the service which is great opportunity for socialising. 28th - "Bob the Shoe Man" visiting the home. Bob supplies a range of shoes for residents to choose from. Along with the above the home also has weekly exercise classes, games, cookery sessions and much more. For more information on any of these events please contact the home directly on 01279 770500.