Breadcrumb Home / Quality Care Homes In Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Essex / Riverside Lodge / Riverside Lodge News Riverside Lodge news Category - Any -Careers news Image Falls Prevention Talk at Riverside Lodge We will be holding a talk on Falls Prevention here at Riverside Lodge on Wednesday 19th February 2025 at 3pm. The talk will be given by Tania Woods from Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire and will cover items such as the following: Image A Talk on the Power of Music for the Mind We are holding a talk on the power of music for the mind here at Riverside Lodge. It will be giver by Professor Catherine Loveday on Thursday 10th April 2025 from 3pm to 5pm so please do come and join us. Image LPAs and Wills talk at Riverside Lodge We are holding a talk on LPSs (Lasting Power of Attorney) and Wills here at Riverside Lodge on Wednesday 30th April 2025 from 11:30am to 13:00pm. This is a free event so please come and join us. We will cover: Image Parkinson's Cafe at Riverside Lodge Sarah Pratt, the Customer Relationship Manager at Riverside Lodge care home, was keen to open a Parkinson’s café in Rickmansworth to support members of the local community living with Parkinson's. Image Riverside Lodge Events We have a number of events happening here at Riverside Lodge so please do come along: Care Home Funding Talk - Thursday 21st November, 11:00am to 12:30pm Crime, Rogue Traders and Doorstep Crime Talk - Thursday 17th October, 2:30pm to 4:00pm Image Lord-Lieutenant of Hertfordshire Opens Riverside Lodge Care Home Robert Voss Esq CBE, His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Hertfordshire opened Riverside Lodge, our new care home in Rickmansworth on Thursday 23rd May. This luxury home is situated on Church Street close to the iconic Church of St. Mary. Image Riverside Lodge Memory Cafe If you are living with someone, or know someone, who is living with dementia and you want to find out more about the condition and how it effects memory then please come to the Riverside Lodge Memory Café. Image Riverside Lodge Care Home in Rickmansworth Now Open We are delighted to announce that Riverside Lodge, our new care home in Rickmansworth, is now open. The home is situated on Church Street close to the Parish Church of St. Mary and the river Colne.